The Waiting is Over: The PFM Is Open!

By Khushi Bhatt / September 1, 2023
The new PFM on opening day. (The Stentorian)

After months of waiting, the time is finally here. NCSSM’s newly renovated cafeteria is open! Opening day was a huge success showing off the modern, sleek look of the PFM. As soon as the doors were opened, students flooded in to see the new and improved space, and they were not disappointed. This long awaited transformation spread a wave of excitement across the student body that we are still feeling today. 

The before and after pictures speak for themselves. From grab and go food at the racquetball courts to a salad bar, soup stations, drink machines, waffle makers and study space, this is certainly an improvement. Already, students are soaking up the classic high school experience of the cafeteria, sitting with friends, singing happy birthday, and enjoying their meals. 

To show really how much we love the PFM and PFM Staff, students should show their gratitude and respect for the shared space. As a reminder: 

The tables and chairs should be staying where they are because NCSSM staff is not a moving company!  

All of the silverware, plates, cups, and food should be going to their respective places at the dish return! It makes it easier for everyone!

Lastly, study hours for right now go until 7:30 pm during weekdays and 6:30 pm on weekends! This will eventually be changed so that we can have access to the study space for longer, but please follow these times for now.  

It has taken a village to get to where we are, but we appreciate all of the NCSSM staff, PFM workers, and cooperative students that have helped open the PFM. The space provides not only an area for students to eat, but one to socialize and study in. It provides a space for interaction and connection. The addition, or reinstatement, of this new cafeteria adds back a staple in the NCSSM experience. Students are so grateful for our newly renovated cafeteria and all the work put into it.

(The Stentorian)
(The Stentorian)
(The Stentorian)

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